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Here you can find a variety of ideas for activities you can continue to enjoy, along with tips and links to official guidelines to help keep yourself and your family safe.

Stay 2 Metres Safe

Understand the benefits of physical distancing. 

Source: Alberta Health Services


Effective August 1, 2020, wearing a mask or face covering was made mandatory in all indoor public places and public vehicles. Visit for more information on the temporary bylaw.

Watch our interview with the Chief Medical Officer of Health for the Edmonton region about how to safely wear a mask and how it may be of benefit to you.

Consider the ABTraceTogether App

ABTraceTogether is a mobile app that enables community-driven contact tracing to support existing efforts to fight COVID-19. ABTraceTogether is a tool to complement traditional manual contact tracing completed by public health officials.

The Government of Alberta is using this technology to protect Albertans. This app helps government support AHS to complement current contact tracing approaches to increase the speed, accuracy and effectiveness of contact tracing procedures.

Reach Out if You Need Help

If you are experiencing family violence, help is still available even if you have COVID-19 or are in isolation. There are also Community and Non-Profit Supports for Edmontonians to help you access a wide range of public social services to address other issues.

Help Your Neighbours

Create and drop off an 'I can help' postcard to your neighbours in your community, or connect them with Community and Non-Profit Supports for Edmontonians.

Be a Connector

Become a Block Connector by joining Abundant Community Edmonton or chat with your fellow neighbours on a virtual message board.


Contribute to Edmonton's pandemic relief and recovery efforts via Edmonton Gives. The site offers connection points to the social agency partners that work on the front lines of our community.

Staying Active and Healthy

Being active is a great way to support both your physical and mental health while adhering to physical distancing requirements.

Explore the River Valley Trails

Edmonton has more than 160 kilometres of maintained multi-use trails that are beautiful any time of year. Go for a leisurely stroll, enjoy a run, or just explore through Edmonton's beautiful river valley.

Visit an Off-Leash Dog Park

Off-leash dog parks are open to enjoy responsibly by adhering to physical distancing guidelines.

Live Active

Share how you are staying active with #LiveActiveYeg and check out these active stories for new ideas. Read about some of the ways Edmontonians are staying active while keeping their distance.

Rediscover Playgrounds

Neighbourhood playgrounds are open throughout the city for children to enjoy safely by continuing to adhere to provincial guidelines.

Visit City Parks

Edmonton parks are in fashion in every season and open for residents to enjoy. Please enjoy responsibly by adhering to physical distancing guidelines. And always clean your hands using soap and water or sanitizer after you touch any surface.

Create an Art Walk

Sidewalk chalk art is a great way to spend time outside and create beautiful sights for your neighbourhood. Do you have a favourite Edmonton building, bridge or locale? Draw it on your sidewalk and take a photo and share it with us on Facebook. We'd love to see your work! 

Edmonton Public Libraries

All branches are temporarily closed for in-branch visits. Visit for details.

Card holders can also access digital collections by downloading the Hoopla app for access to thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, music and movies, or the Overdrive app for ebooks and audiobooks.

Learn about City Hall Virtually

In a new child-friendly video series, City Hall School teacher Linda Hut and student reporters interview City employees and politicians about how municipal government works and how you can get involved. New content will be added daily to a playlist on the City’s YouTube channel. 

See Who’s Open for Business

As Edmonton’s businesses begin to reopen safely and in stages, consider supporting local goods and services. Things that are Open in Edmonton is a great resource to discover which businesses are currently open as the Edmonton economy relaunches.

Start your Home Improvement Project

Stuck at home? Now is a great time to get started on some projects that will make your home more comfortable. To find out if your project requires a permit and apply for one, visit

If you are a business owner looking for guidance on how to reopen safely and in accordance with Provincial guidelines, more information can be found on the Province’s Alberta Biz Connect website. You can also visit COVID-19 Support for Edmonton Businesses for key links to information on support programs from all levels of government.

View information on Alberta’s economic Relaunch Strategy

Ride your Bike

No matter the weather, it’s a great time to take advantage of the extensive network of bike lanes and trails our city has to offer. Review bike route maps for Downtown, Southside and West Central.

Watch this how-to video on giving your bike a check-up to ensure it’s safe to use year round.


Use Shared Streets throughout the city and temporary lane closures to spread out and enjoy a peaceful walk to your destination.

Taking Transit?

Wearing a mask or face covering is mandatory in all indoor public places and public vehicles. This applies to the publicly accessible areas of businesses/retail and includes transit, transit centres and LRT platforms. Some exemptions apply.

Please make sure you dispose of your used disposable masks and/or gloves into a waste bin. If one is not available, store your used materials in a plastic bag until they can be disposed of properly.


Free parking is available during COVID-19 at all curbside EPark zones and City-owned EPark lots.

Parking Rates, Hours and Locations

Taking an Uber, Tapp, or Taxi?

Look for these safety measures to be in place to keep you safe during your ride.

Rules of the Road and Physical Distancing

Please enjoy the city responsibly, by adhering to the rules of the road and keep giving others two meters of distance.

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