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Wearing a mask or face covering is mandatory in all indoor public places and public vehicles.

We have adjusted City services to provincial restrictions and their updated face covering rules. Please visit for more information.

Wearing a proper face covering is an important factor in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and it's a simple but powerful action everyone can take to protect their family and friends.


City Council has renewed the bylaw requiring the use of face coverings in all indoor places and public vehicles until December 31, 2021. City Council can vote to repeal the bylaw at any time should conditions warrant that action. 

The bylaw applies to the publicly accessible areas of businesses/retail and includes transit, transit centres and LRT platforms.

  • Face coverings refer to any medical or non-medical mask or other covering that fully covers the nose, mouth and chin.
  • Indoor public places means any property, whether publicly or privately owned that members of the public can access. This includes retail stores, entertainment venues, recreation centres, restaurants and transit stations. Business owners can decide for themselves if they wish to refuse service to patrons not wearing face coverings.
  • Public vehicles refers to buses, LRT vehicles, taxis and other vehicles for hire. The fine is $100.
  • The bylaw does not apply to schools, health care facilities, hospitals, child care facilities or common areas of residential buildings.

Face coverings can be removed when consuming food as part of a ceremony, or in another designated space. They can also be removed in spaces where physical barriers have been installed between the employee and patrons.


There are exceptions to the City of Edmonton’s bylaw about who must wear a face covering in public places. They include:

  • Those who cannot put one on or remove it without assistance
  • Children under two years of age
  • People who are unable to wear a face covering because of mental or physical concerns or protected reasons under the Alberta Human Rights Act
  • People providing care or assistance to a person with a disability when wearing a face covering would affect that service
  • People engaging in services that require the temporary removal of a face covering

Wearing Masks in Businesses

  • Our bylaw and the provincial health order require masks to be worn inside businesses, with exceptions for those that are unable to wear a mask. It is up to businesses to determine how to manage those exceptions and set policies regarding providing service to persons not wearing a mask.
  • Businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone who does not follow their policy. If you disagree with a business' policy, you should contact them directly to discuss your concerns and potential options and alternatives.
  • As part of the community effort we encourage Edmontonians to wear a mask and follow other public health recommendations when at a business.
  • Under no circumstances should Edmontonians be confrontational with business owners and employees about the mask bylaw or other public health recommendations. Concerns regarding compliance should be reported to the appropriate authority.

Everyone can help protect themselves and others from COVID-19 by practicing good hand hygiene, maintaining physical distancing and wearing a face covering in public. Learn more at

Temporary Mandatory Face Coverings

Bylaw 19408
Bylaw 19491

Toolkit for Businesses

Find information, and answers to your questions and those of your clients and patrons in our toolkit for businesses and operators of public facilities

COVID-19 Bylaw Complaints

The City of Edmonton is taking bylaw complaints on concerns related to COVID-19. (eg. Face Coverings)

Physical Distancing Concern

The City of Edmonton is taking complaints on physical distancing concerns related to COVID-19

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