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Road widening and overpass construction between Sherwood Park Freeway and 90 Avenue will start in 2022.

Project Update - June 2021

Pre-construction activities start this summer including building the detour road, selective tree removals and reconstruction of the storm and sanitary sewer near 50 Street. The detour road will be used while the overpass is being constructed starting in spring 2022 and selective trees in the area will be removed to build the detour road. Preserving trees is an important part of this project and the asset value of the removed trees will be added to the new tree planting scheduled for the project.

The service road east of 50 Street, between 84 Avenue and 90 Avenue will be closed for the 2021 construction season to reconstruct the storm and sanitary sewer. Businesses will have access from 90 Avenue and 46 Street while construction is underway.

We thank everyone in the area for their patience while we start pre-construction work to prepare for the start of construction next year.

Construction Bulletins:
Storm and Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction
Detour Road and Tree Removal

Final Design Images

Where We Are

The City is finalizing the preliminary design which is anticipated to be completed in 2019. The preliminary design includes:

  • Widening 50 Street from 4 to 6 lanes

  • Grade separating the CP railway crossing

  • Replacing the bridge over Sherwood Park Freeway

Grade separating the railway tracks and widening 50 Street will accommodate existing and future traffic demands as well as remove any delays that now exist at the railway crossing.

About the Project

50 Street provides access to adjacent developing industrial areas and functions as a major north-south commuter and goods movement corridor. Currently, the at-grade Canadian Pacific (CP) railway crossing along 50 Street, north of Sherwood Park Freeway, is identified as the City’s top priority location for grade separation based on delays, traffic impact, frequency of train crossings and other factors.

With ongoing development along 50 Street, particularly along the industrial and residential areas south of Sherwood Park Freeway, traffic volumes and congestion at this crossing will continue to increase. The 50 Street widening and railway grade separation will:

  • Widen 50 Street to a 6 lane divided roadway between Sherwood Park Freeway and 90 Avenue

  • Create an overpass for vehicles and active transportation over the rail crossing

  • Construct a shared-use path on the east side of 50 Street

  • Upgrade the sidewalk on the west side of 50 Street

Design for the area is complete and pre-construction activities begin in 2021 including utility relocation and building the detour that will be used during construction which is anticipated to begin in 2022. The project is expected to be complete by the end of 2026.

Sherwood Park Freeway to 76 Avenue

Reconstruction of 50 Street from Sherwood Park Freeway to 76 Avenue has also been identified. This work will include widening 50 Street to a 6 lane divided roadway, including the shared-use path and sidewalks, relocation of overhead utilities and replacement and widening of the existing 50 Street bridge over Sherwood Park Freeway. This area is currently unfunded and will not be constructed with the north part of 50 Street.

Final Design

Final Design Flyover

Project History

Online Information Session - April 2021

Thank you to everyone who joined the online public information session on April 21, 2021 to view the final design and have your questions answered by the project team.

The final design includes widening 50 Street to 3 lanes in each direction, creating an overpass to separate vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists from the rail, a shared-use path on the east side and a sidewalk on the west side of the road. 

For more information, please review the spring 2021 newsletter.

Project Update - September 2020

The concept plan for phase 1 of the 50 Street Widening and Railway Grade Separation project has been finalized. Plans include:

  • Widening 50 Street from Sherwood Park Freeway to 90 Avenue

  • Overpass at the CP rail crossing

  • Shared-use path on the east side of 50 Street

  • Sidewalk on west side of 50 Street

The project now moves into the preliminary design stage. The preliminary design is expected to be finalized in 2021. Pre-construction (for example, utility relocation) begins in 2021. Construction is expected to begin in 2022, with an anticipated completion in 2026.

The preliminary design, along with project updates, will be shared in fall 2020. All opportunities to review and ask questions about the design will take place within a COVID-19 compliant framework. Watch for more information coming soon.

Fall 2020 Newsletter

Preliminary Design - June 2019

The City is finalizing the preliminary design which is anticipated to be completed in 2019. The preliminary design includes:

  • Widening 50 Street from 4 to 6 lanes

  • Grade separating the CP railway crossing

  • Replacing the bridge over Sherwood Park Freeway

Grade separating the railway tracks and widening 50 Street will accommodate existing and future traffic demands as well as remove any delays that now exist at the railway crossing.

Public Engagement Summary for Phase 1 - August 2018

The City has compiled a summary of recurring themes from stakeholder and public input received on the project.

50 Street What We Heard Summary

Geotechnical work - July 2018

Geotechnical work was done summer 2018 including drilling holes as part of the geotechnical investigations required for the grade separation of the rail crossing.

This and other field work continued throughout the months of July, August and September to gather background information on the area, helping to determine how the railway grade separation could be designed and constructed.

Public Information Session - June 2018

The City held a drop-in public information session to share details about the project and answer questions on June 26, 2018 at The King's University.

Event Materials:
Fact Sheet
Display Boards

Project Update - May 2018

On May 15, 2018, the City welcomed the federal government’s commitment to provide funding required to grade separate the 50 Street and CP railway crossing just north of Sherwood Park Freeway. With this announcement, construction of the grade separation is expected to begin in 2019 with utility work happening first.

News Release

Concept Plans - 2010

Concept plans for this project were prepared in 2010 and have been validated, but are not yet final. The 2010 plans indicate project limits extending from 90 Avenue to Whitemud Drive, while the project limits in the current study extend from 90 Avenue to 76 Avenue only. The 2010 plans include the widening concept plan and the grade separation concept plan.

For More Information

Malika Ali

Title Project Manager

Sidd Masand

Infrastructure Planning and Design

Title Project Engineer



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