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Changes to ward boundaries were made through Bylaw 19366 and passed on December 7, 2020. These changes will come into effect on Election Day (October 18, 2021).

The changes include new geographical boundaries and ward names.

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Edmonton Elections is working to develop an interactive tool that will include Edmonton Catholic School and Edmonton Public School wards.

New Ward Maps starting October 18, 2021

City Wide

Nakota Isga - Pronunciation: NA-KOH-TAH  EE-SKA

Anirniq - Pronunciation: A nirk nik

tastawiyiniwak (ᑕᐢᑕᐃᐧᔨᓂᐊᐧᐠ) - Pronunciation: TASS-TAW-WIN-EE-WOK

Dene - Pronunciation: DEH-NEH

O-day’min - Pronunciation: Oh-DAY-min

Métis - Pronunciation: MAY-TEA

sipiwiyiniwak - Pronunciation: SEE-PEE-WIN-EE-WOK

papastew - Pronunciation: PAH-PAH-STAY-OH

pihêsiwin ᐱᐦᐁᓯᐏᐣ - Pronunciation: Pee-hay-soo-win

Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi - Pronunciation: E-pee-ko-ka-nee piu-tsi-ya

Karhiio - Pronunciation: Gar-ee-he-o

Sspomitapi - Pronunciation: SS-POH-ME-TAH-PEE

More About the Indigenous Ward Names

Timeline of Events

May 25, 2020, City Council meeting (item 6.6)

The City of Edmonton Ward Boundary Commission presented its report to City Council on changes to city wards. Council gave direction to incorporate names into the Ward Boundary and Council Composition Bylaw.

June 16, 2020, City Council meeting (item 4.1)

The Ward Boundary Commission’s recommendations were incorporated into Bylaw 19366, which received first reading. At Council’s direction, names for the proposed wards were created.

September 21, 2020, City Council meeting (item 7.3)

City Council amended Bylaw 19366 to incorporate these names.

December 7, 2020, City Council meeting

Bylaw 19366 was approved by Council. The ward boundary changes will come into effect for the 2021 Election.

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For More Information

Edmonton Elections

16304 114 Avenue
Edmonton, AB
T5M 3R8




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