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Fire Cadet Applications are being accepted online until April 30, 2021.

The Edmonton Fire Cadets program is an opportunity for high school students to learn about Edmonton Fire Rescue Services while developing important life skills needed to become career firefighters in the City of Edmonton.

The program’s mission is to enable cadets to better understand the firefighting career through an experience that balances both classroom and hands-on learning. Each cadet will learn mental and physical wellness, a sense of self-responsibility, personal growth, leadership, teamwork, and fire prevention skills.

What do Fire Cadets do?

Fire Cadets will have the opportunity to:

  • Receive CPR and First Aid certification
  • Fight real fires in controlled scenarios
  • Cut apart cars using vehicle extrication tools
  • Practice search and rescue techniques
  • Use rope rescue techniques to climb down a building
  • Receive Fall Protection certification
  • Gain the opportunity to be tested and certified in NFPA 1001 Level 1
  • And much, much more

Through career internships and work experience, fire cadets have the opportunity to earn up to 6 high school credits for their involvement in the program.

Before You Apply

  • 14 to 18 years of age at start of the program
  • Enrolled in an Edmonton or surrounding area high school (Cadets may finish the program after graduation of high school)
  • Be physically capable with a positive attitude and a good work ethic
  • Be able to commit to one night a week for two semesters (class is held from 6-9:30pm)
  • Must obtain medical clearance from doctor upon acceptance of program
  • Must be able to arrange own transportation to and from fire training school on class nights
Application Process
  • Applications are accepted between April 1 and April 30 of each year
  • Selected students are asked to interview in June
  • Successful candidates will begin the program in September
Time Commitment

Students are expected to make the Edmonton Fire Cadet program a priority. The course runs for a total of 10 months: beginning in September and ending in June. The program is aligned with Alberta Education curriculum, following a two-semester course (2 levels) format.

Community Involvement

Edmonton firefighters take great pride in being ambassadors in our communities while helping others in need. That's why our cadets are expected to complete 30 hours of community service to complete the program. Many opportunities are offered to help complete this requirement.


Through sponsorship with ATCO, the cost to students is minimal. There is a $100 fee per semester. Funding support is available for those in need. All necessary uniforms and learning materials will be provided to cadets.

Learning Topics
Fire Fighting Skills
  • Structural firefighting
  • Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Basic fire science
  • Ropes and knots
  • Basic vehicle extrication 
  • Search and rescue
  • Hoses and nozzles
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Ground ladders
  • Advanced search and rescue
  • Tools and equipment
  • Hazardous materials 
  • Technical rescue (high angle/confined space)
  • Ventilation
  • Communications
Employment Skills 
  • Leadership
  • Team building
  • Resume skills
  • Interview techniques 
  • Edmonton Fire Rescue Services hiring process
Certifications and Awareness Training 
  • Standard First Aid/CPR
  • Health and wellness
  • Fire dispatch
  • Fire investigation
  • Alberta Health Services (EMS)
  • Utility Safety / ATCO Gas

Fire Cadet Participant TestimonialBefore Fire Cadets, I was hesitant to try new things, but the camaraderie and encouragement from the leaders and the other Fire Cadets helped my confidence grow. Fire Cadets opened many new doors for me, including the confidence to seek employment for the first time. I also learned how to channel my energy into more positive things, such as volunteering. My life would be very different today if it wasn't for this program.

Autumn Fjeldberg, Cadet Class 2

Fire Cadet Participant Testimonial

The firefighters made Fire Cadets so welcoming. I knew every Wednesday I was going to be surrounded by great people learning exciting, new things! There is no other program that will provide you with such a hands-on firefighting experience. Working with hoses, extinguishers, ladders and live fire was incredible.

Hunter Slobinyk, Cadet Class 2

Testimonal from Fire Cadet Participant.

The Fire Cadet program was one of the most challenging, life-changing, yet rewarding things I've ever done. As a result of being pushed outside of my comfort zone every week, my confidence grew and I became a more resilient and dedicated person. The genuine team atmosphere allowed me to discover a passion for leadership, teaching, as well as community service and volunteerism. It also helped me encourage other girls that we can excel in male-dominated fields.

Karli Raye Cameron, Cadet Class 2

Fire Cadet Participant Testimonial

Fire Cadets was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I went into it unsure if I wanted to follow a career in firefighting, but after completing the program, I know that being an Edmonton firefighter is what I want to do. I am extremely proud to be a graduated Edmonton Fire Cadet.

Conor Lang, Class 2


Sponsored By

ATCO is proud to sponsor the Fire Cadets Program

For More Information




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